Sweet persimmon: all the health benefits of this ripe fruit – elionsa
Sweet persimmon: all the health benefits of this ripe fruit

Sweet persimmon: all the health benefits of this ripe fruit

Persimmon history

Distributed in tropical and temperate climatic zones. The homeland of this berry is China. Currently, persimmons are grown even in the Crimea. There are several hundred species of this plant all over the world. Some tree varieties live up to 500 years.

This sweet bright orange fruit is not just a delicious treat, but also a very healthy product that should be included in your diet for everyone who cares about their health.

China is considered to be the homeland of persimmons; at present, the berry also grows in Japan, northern India, Indonesia, Australia, Italy, France, the Philippines and the Caucasus.

All the vitamins and nutrients the human body needs can be found in natural products created by nature itself.

So, the persimmon, which has already become familiar even to residents of the northern regions, is a surprisingly balanced combination of components valuable for health.

The benefits of persimmon

Persimmon contains many vitamins, especially A, C and B; as well as trace elements: iodine, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium. Persimmon is useful for the prevention of vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, and scurvy. Iodine makes up for the deficiency of this substance in the body and reduces the risk of thyroid diseases.

This berry has a low concentration of acids, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract in case of peptic ulcer, liver and kidney disease. The antibacterial properties help fight the pathological intestinal flora.

Persimmon is useful for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The risk of atherosclerosis is reduced, and the diuretic effect of the berry helps relieve swelling caused by poor heart function.
Persimmon is recommended as a remedy for general recovery, restoration of the nervous system and the whole body.

A high concentration of retinol, vitamins C and P, helps to improve vision, rejuvenates the skin, smoothes wrinkles and reduces skin oiliness. Fresh berry gruel is applied to the face and hair.

The use of persimmon in cooking.

Persimmon is widely used in cooking in the manufacture of salads, meat dishes and desserts (puddings, jellies, jam), as well as drinks. Basically it is eaten fresh, but it is also dried and dried, candied fruits are made.

How to choose and store persimmons.

Persimmon season: September - December, the freshest berry at this time. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the fruit. If the persimmon is pale in color, and the leaves at the top are green, then the berry is not ripe and will taste strongly. For it to mature, it must be kept at room temperature for several days. Sometimes freezing helps to eliminate the viscosity.

Fruit that is too soft and has brown spots may indicate that the persimmon has frozen or bumped in transit and has begun to deteriorate.

You need to store ripe persimmons in the refrigerator for no more than several months. For long-term storage, the fruit can be frozen whole or cut into slices. At low temperatures, the fruits retain their properties for six months.

Dried and dried persimmons are stored in a glass jar in a cool place.