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The many well-researched health benefits of green tea make it a great beverage to include in your diet for the prevention and treatment of cancer, heart problems, cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol levels, rheumatoid arthritis, infection, tooth decay, and many others. Green tea contains an antioxidant called epigallocatechin-3 gallate (EGCG), which offers chemo-preventive properties.  What is Green Tea?Unbeknownst to many, green tea comes from the same plant from where normal tea is obtained. Scientifically, it is known as Camellia sinensis. It is the same tea but it is processed differently. The normal black tea is obtained by fermenting the tea leaves. This fermentation changes its color and flavor while raising the level of caffeine and tannin in it. On the...

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The top health benefits of avocados are many given their that they contain good fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytosterols. Consuming them regularly may help boost heart health, improve digestion, enhance liver health, and aid in weight management. Avocado also helps keep the eyes healthy due to its high lutein content and protects the skin from signs of aging.One research study shows that the consumption of avocado can lead to improved diet quality and nutrient intake, including a lowered risk of metabolic syndrome.  Another research study explains that avocado seeds can be used for managing diabetes, inflammatory conditions, and hypertension, as well as for improving hypercholesterolemia.  These seeds come in the form of organic avocado seed powder and supplements, which can...

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Persimmon historyDistributed in tropical and temperate climatic zones. The homeland of this berry is China. Currently, persimmons are grown even in the Crimea. There are several hundred species of this plant all over the world. Some tree varieties live up to 500 years.This sweet bright orange fruit is not just a delicious treat, but also a very healthy product that should be included in your diet for everyone who cares about their health.China is considered to be the homeland of persimmons; at present, the berry also grows in Japan, northern India, Indonesia, Australia, Italy, France, the Philippines and the Caucasus.All...

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When blood vessels are clogged with cholesterol plaques and other formations, various methods are used to eliminate them. Cleaning of vessels at home is carried out with the help of folk remedies. Tinctures, decoctions, herbal mixtures, proper nutrition – all these methods have been used by people for many years and gave good results. It is necessary to follow the rules of preparation and use of funds, so as not to harm your health. Causes clogging of blood vesselsIn adults and the elderly, plaques may form on the walls of blood vessels for various reasons. Because of them, there is an...

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Honey is a well – known, very tasty product. However, it is also an excellent medicine that can cure many diseases. Usually, honey was used to treat colds, skin masks are made on its basis, and much more. However, today it has become much more difficult to use the useful properties of honey – when buying, there is a very high risk of coming across low-quality, or even fake honey. 5 simple ways to determine the quality of honey will allow you to find out how good the purchase is without laboratory tests.1 method: First, you need to put a spoonful...

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